Launched in 2020 with the changing of the global economic landscape due to Covid-19 and related happenings, uMerchants built upon the U.CASH software infrastructure to enable not just Money Service Businesses and Financial Organizations, but any other type of commercial venture to get themselves online, and conduct business in the cloud. uMerchants offers SaaS (Software as a Service) as well as business products and apps targeted towards empowering businesses of all kinds. As a specialist in merchant A.I. and technology integrations as well as payments (both crypto and fiat), uMerchants is a full service digital partner to individual entrepreneurs up to SME and public organizations.
Upgrade with uMerchants
Unregistrar is a competitive and innovative domains, hosting and technology infrastructure company focused on wholesale and value added services. With the integration of A.I. and blockchain enabled services into the core infrastructure, Unregistrar has brought rapid evolution and innovation to one of the original internet business models. Unregistrar makes managing, growing and developing on the internet easy with its suite of service offerings targeted at both businesses and individuals worldwide. Specializing in gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domains), and specifical Branded Customer gTLDs for businesses, Unregistrar is growing rapidly and bringing brand new eneergy and services to the domain industry.
Unleash with Unregistrar
Founded in 2016 to meet the demands of Businesses for software to enable cryptocurrency powered services, the uEcosystem has grown to hundreds of thousands of registered users and followers across multiple outlets. The software stack has expanded to powering multiple ecosystem and external businesses worldwide in offering crypto and A.I. enabled services and has multiple new deployments in the pipeline.
Utilize with U.CASH
uExchange (UEX)
Launched in 2019 to meet the demands of a growing global cryptocurrency userbase, uExchange allows anyone globally to setup and maintain distributed liquidity pools and swap across supported tokens and blockchains seamlessly, without 3rd party custodial services required. uExchange was initially launched as U.EXCHANGE with a centralized custodian system, ie. a Centralized Exchange (CEX) and then moved to a community enabled decentralized infrastructure, or Decentralized Exchange (DEX). To overcome the flaws and limitations of both systems, the Universal Exchange (UEX) digital system was developed to bridge both of these types of infrastructures while also enabling additional features with the integration of the uEcostem network services. This service is being developed to become a vital part of the overall network and will continue to build as UEX Digital while advancing from user to business services directly.
Unswap with uExchange
Univirsal Labs is an A.I empowered research, development and deployment organization focused on the entertainment industry. With specialization in 3D Design, Meta Assets, Gaming, NFT/Metaverse Applications, Music, Video, and Intellectual Property (IP), Univirsal is integrating blockchain technology into legacy systems for innovative new possibilities.
Unite with Univirsal
uCurrencies is a decentralized app allowing the creation of assets powered by the UCASH network access token and smart-contract. Anyone can create tokens, points, rewards, currencies and other assets pegged directly to UCASH (or not) and integrate those tokens into their own uMerchants stores or for other uses in, and out of the uEcosystem.
Unearth the uCurrencies
uClipboard is an app that was initially internally developed for use across our developer ecosystem for sharing of private and other data between devices quickly. It was then launched as a public facing product with web3 integration utilizing the UCASH network access token for additional premium functionality. This tool is free to use for any user, but has premium capabilities for holders of UCASH, without the need to make any on-chain transactions at all. uClipboard has also fork-evolved to Clip.new developed on the Google gTLD for action applications (such as docs.new, sheets.new, slides.new, etc.). This brings a whole new target market and use-case to a uEcosystem deployment.
Upshare with uClipboard
The Univirse is a story of an alternative reality where our most common perceptions come to be tested to see what is possible. Building with NFTs, 3D Meta Characters, Artificial Intelligence and development tools such as Unity, Unreal, Blender and more, the Univirse is a Meta project unlike any other. The NFTs developed with this project are planned to become more widely used across various other uEcosystem services. Innovative utility has been designed right into the assets themselves and multiple business model efforts are currently under way in testing and deploying these digital commodities effectively in various use case scenarios.
Uncover the Univirse
Uvenience is building on the uMerchants software stack (which itself was originally built upon the U.CASH system) to offer the ability for convenience stores, restaurants and other retailers to go unmanned in the front retail facing side of their business. Uvenience is also able to brand, franchise and launch stores from the bottom up in a franchise, corporate or independent brand model. A.I. tools and integrations to multiple service providers allows not just existing brands, but brand new businesses to get an advantage in the market right from the get-go. We take the con out of convenience and put U in control.
Use with Uvenience
uCollateral allows UCASH network access token holders to lock-up their assets for varying periods of time to gain a part of the remaining bounty pool on the uCollateral Smart-Contract. Part of this pool was initially used as a Collateral for other smart-contract deployments, but has been scaled back as a rewards-time bounty distribution.
Unlocalize with uCollateral
Unverification is designed to verify a users UCASH balance in a distributed manner using Web3 services. This unverification is then used to link that users wallet address with the UCASH balance to an e-mail address, that then becomes active and recognized across the uEcosystem for additional benefits such as premium membership, discounted pricing, additional services, beta access, and much more. An unverificationed account is checked by the uEcosystem to verify continued balance levels for tiered access to premium memberships.
Unverify with Unverification
UI/UX Capital
UI/UX Capital is an innovative capital formation organization utilizing artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies and other emerging capabilities to develop and deploy profit generating strategies in multiple sectors. The uEcosystem is supported by UI/UX Capital in multiple ways including capital/asset deployment, brand/consulting, network,growth strategy and much more.
Upwards with UI/UX Capital
Multiple projects across the globe are building their own projects using uEcosystem tools and network infrastructure. Some are building under the U creative banner, while others are integrating tools into existing or new enterprises. These projects are developed independently and will continue to grow and flourish as the ecosystem deploys additional services as more resources and tools become available for members worldwide.
Unreveal the Unrevealed
There are currently dozens of active uEcosystem projects across the world in production, research, development, testing and deployment stages. As they become usable for ecosystem members across the globe they will be revealed here. These include global U.CASH ambassador, partner, and community builder projects as well as 3rd party businesses, entities and projects integrating uEcosystem software technologies and services.
Unlaunch the Unreleased